Monday, September 9, 2024

On Your Mark, Get Set...Not So Fast.

 Our Blog Week 24

After many things were canceled last week, we were ready and waiting to have a great, busy week. Well, it began that way, but then some type of bug changed our pace again. 

We didn't make it up to Camp Fuji because of all the rain we had. We were wondering if all the roads up and back would be safe as there had been a lot of landslides. Those are typical in Japan when too much rain takes over. That's the first Sunday we have been home on a Sunday afternoon for quite a while. We decided to start watching The Chosen, which so many have raved about. We are enjoying it, and watching it at our own pace is nice. It has compelled us both to reread the New Testament. Having both finished the Book of Mormon, we decided to tackle the New Testament. I haven't read it since my seminary teaching days.  We are both enjoying it. 

Monday was Labor Day for all those in the US, but it was just another day here. We didn't take a P-day last week, so we did that on Monday this week. We checked out a nearby mall, Aeon Mall. It was very nice, and Brad found two ties for $6.70 each. He likes to refer to them as his polyester, washable missionary ties. I found a new scarf, and then we sampled the Baskin Robbins ice cream. We didn't try any of the unusual flavors. Next time. On the way home, we stopped for take-out pizza for the Young Adults and missionaries who joined us for  FHE (Family Home Evening). We played a fun card game that Elder Williams shared with all of us. It's called Tori Dori. The Sisters shared a great message with us, and we all enjoyed time together. 

Tuesday was our regular temple day. One of my favorite days because I don't have to plan anything or make or bake anything for anyone. Don't get me wrong, I love doing all of those things but sometimes it's nice to have a break. We are able to both attend the temple and do our individual assignments, and we don't even have to plan them.  Another missionary couple, Elder and Sister Yamada, made us a box lunch to eat on our drive back home from the temple. (usually about 90 min drive) Why do sandwiches taste so much better when someone else makes them?  It was a great day all around. 

Wednesday started with a dental cleaning for Kim. I don't know if the dentist here is not as aggressive as my dentist at home or if I'm just getting better at my dental hygiene, but I got an A+.  That's my favorite grade. After coming home, I started feeling very achy and tired. I chose to stay home from a Red Cross event on Atsugi for Suicide Prevention Week. Brad attended without me, and when he got home, he said it was too weird going to things without me. I felt the same way last week when he was sick.  

Thursday dawned with me still feeling achy and tired. My companion told me to rest that day. Something I'm not very good at, but the way I felt, I didn't argue too much. Brad again attended an activity that evening without me with the base chapel. So much for being a missionary couple. 

Friday, I was encouraged to go to the doctor to get tested for whatever. They don't have Covid tests that you can buy at the drugstore here. The nurse tested me for COVID-19 and both Influenza A and B. All came back negative. I felt a little better and figured we would move on from the sick thing. 

Saturday and Sunday, the bug reared its ugly head again, and I was down and out. Consequently, I stayed home for both days and hoped for better days. I am now starting to feel better. I am not sure what virus hit me, but I am happy to say Sayonara to that. 

This week is dawning bright as long as we both avoid any more sickness. Being sick does have a way of making you appreciate your good health. 

I hope you are all enjoying the impending fall weather. It is one of my favorite times of the year. It is still a little hot here, but we are looking forward to seeing the fall leaves soon. The drive to Camp Fuji has the potential to be beautiful. 

Love to all, and may you stay healthy and safe. 



1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your sickness. I am happy that it hasn't lasted any longer. Great job with keeping your teeth at A+. Wonderful to hear of your Temple service, American Red Cross, etc. What a great work you are doing!


#25 A week of extraordinary events

An extraordinary week for us, but we were not quite "out of the woods" as much as we thought.  Our health is a bit more tenuous th...