Monday, August 26, 2024

Wk #22 Oh Henry!

Wk #22 Oh Henry

This week's blog is brought to you by the Oh Henry bar. Does anyone remember those? Ok, only a few of you, but we will begin with our trip to Camp Fuji. We still didn't find any Marines who wanted to attend church this week, so we wandered into the USO lounge and invited the one Marine there to come and have some homemade banana bread. He replied, "Do you know how long it's been since I had homemade banana bread?" We visited with him briefly, and he said he was from a small town in upstate New York. And you guessed it, his name was Henry. We sent him home with an entire plate of banana bread and were happy to have someone to share it with. Still hoping and praying for other Marines we can share our services with. 

On Monday, we did a little service with the Red Cross, and then we traveled to Tokyo for a fireside with the Asia North Area President for the church. His name is John A. McCune, and he shared with all the area senior couples the comings and goings and workings of what he is in charge of and how it all fits together. After listening to him share all of that, I was exhausted for him and his wife.  Such a lot of work to keep all the wheels turning. He is responsible for Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Guam, and the Marshall Islands. His point is that we are all part of a much larger work and that each of us can make a difference as we serve. 

Because we had a Tokyo temple assignment the next morning, we stayed overnight at the New Sanno Hotel, which is about 5 minutes away. We had a nice dinner with another senior couple and took a minute to breathe.

Wednesday, Sis Nelson worked most of the day at the Red Cross office helping soldiers in-process. Elder Nelson had a bad cough and didn't think he should share it with others. He also stayed home Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday, which was abundantly clear to Sister Nelson how a senior couple's mission is not meant to be done by one person. By the time I got through all of Wed, Thurs, and Friday's events, I was one tired missionary. And Elder Nelon was feeling much better after resting at home.  

Thursday, we had District Council, and it was the last time some of our missionaries gathered before they were transferred out. We shared "brown bag" chicken salad on Costco croissants lunch with them, and they all loved Goldfish, applesauce, and homemade cookies. We have three new missionaries joining us, and seeing their enthusiasm is so fun. We will miss Elder Ashton and Sis Lamoreaux. Sis Lamoreaux quickly reminds us that she is our 26th grandchild so we never forget her.  She is from Mesa and will attend BYU next fall, so we hope to see her again. 

We also returned to the orphanage on Thursday with the young elders and sisters helping out. We taught the children to say all the colors in English and played games with them. We also shared the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" with the younger kids. The orphanage seems to like what we have been doing, as they have invited us back for the next four months. Next month, we might teach them the names of animals. We are not sure yet. 

On Friday, we talked Elder Nelson into seeing the doctor. He is now taking some antibiotics and is feeling better every day. 

Our branch had a back-to-school activity at the park on Saturday, and plenty of hot dogs, hamburgers, and side dishes were consumed. The young men planned some games, but we did not get any pictures. I need to improve at remembering to do that. It did happen, just no pictures this time. 

It's been fun keeping up with some of the happenings at home. Our newest grandbaby, Holly Hope, is settling in nicely with her family. Our newest missionary, Jace, is learning many "lessons" at the MTC this week. All of the grandchildren are back in school now. How do they keep getting older? I know I didn't.  

I hope you are all ready for a little fall weather. We hope it's coming here soon as we endure the hot, humid temperatures. As of today, there have been more typhoons or earthquakes. 

Sending love and best wishes to all. 

Elder and Sister Nelson


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